Some of the frequently used polymers include synthetic polymers and biopolymers. Results show the effectiveness of the model and the ability to predict viscosity accurately in low to medium shear rates, while in high shear rate, a slight deviation was noticeable. A polymer rheology study was carried out on SAV10 at various concentrations (750–5000 ppm) and brine salinities (43–210 k ppm). The research then discusses a novel modification of the power law model to predict HPAM (SAV10) viscosity in a wide range of shear rates based on polymer concentration, fluid salinity, and divalent content. This research initially reviews different types of polymers that can be applied successfully in EOR, demonstrate conditions that can alter polymer viscosity in porous medium, and analyze models that predict polymer bulk and in situ viscosity. Previous model has proven a link between polymer viscosity and zero shear rate viscosity, relaxation time, hardness, and many other factors. Predicting viscosity has been established by numerous researchers as an essential tool to study polymers behavior under varying conditions. With high success rates and efficiency, polymer flooding operates by increasing the viscosity of water, promoting greater sweep efficiency and resulting in higher oil recovery beyond conventional waterflooding. The graphic curve will be updated as well.Polymer flooding has been established as an effective enhanced oil recovery (EOR) technique and can be utilized in large-scale field expansions. All other values will be re-calculated automatically. Just put your values (either imperial or metrical) in the appropriate fields below and press ENTER. The use of any of the calculators’ results is at the user’s sole risk. The calculator below is for informative purposes only. You can calculate pre-filled values of oil classified by ISO 3448 with grades VG22, VG32, VG46 or VG68 (at viscosity Index = 100) or enter specific values for any other oils. These data is enough to determine kinematic viscosity at any other values of temperature and as well Viscosity Index. the Viscosity Index (VI) by the formulas specified in ASTM D2270 (`Standard Practice for Calculating Viscosity Index from Kinematic Viscosity at 40 and 100☌ 1`) or in ISO 2909 (`Standard Practice for Calculating Viscosity Index from Kinematic Viscosity at 40 and 100☌ 1`) or in ГОСТ 25371-2018 (`Нефтепродукты.the kinematic viscosity values, depends from temperature, calculated by the formulas specified in ASTM D341 – (‘Standard Practice for Viscosity-Temperature Charts for Liquid Petroleum Products’).The interpolation calculator provided below is used to determine: